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Crowdfunding Platform Creation

What is a Crowdfunding Platform?

Crowdfunding platforms turns the fundraising funnel on-end. By giving you, the entrepreneur, and others, a platform to build, showcase, and share your pitch resources, this approach dramatically streamlines the traditional model. Traditionally, you’d spend months sifting through your personal network, vetting potential investors, and spending your own time and money to get in front of them. With crowdfunding, it’s much easier for you, and others, to get your opportunity in front of more interested parties and give them more ways to help grow your business.


With the platform, you are able to offer to others the ability put their information out infront of countless others, while you retain a platform fee, for allowing them to use your platform.  Typically, platform holders charge between 3-5% fee.

For further information, please contact me.

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